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Біографія Darkoo

London-raised Nigeria born singer/songwriter Darkoo’s musical journey began at 15 after discovering her ability to rap. She began to merge the influences of being in the UK with the sound of her favourite African artists like WizKid and Maleek Berry, leading her to release her debut single ‘Gas Station’ at the tender age of 16. It was then that Darkoo knew exactly who and where she wanted to be. 
 Continuing to hone her craft, she exploded onto the scene late 2019 with the anthemic track ‘Gangsta' featuring One Acen, which saw her land her first UK Top 40 hit, peaking at #22. This was quickly followed by singles ‘Juicy’ and ‘Kryptonite’ which created a huge impact on the music scene. 
 Darkoo is the genre-blurring artist who has successfully created a sound that is distinctly her own, blending her international influences to create her own style of Afroswing, highlighting her vibrant and androgynous vocals perfectly. 
 As one of the most talked about artists in the UK right now British Vogue described Darkoo as “..The musician smashing stereotypes with her style and sound.” Her style is something that never goes amiss, often flipping her look from her blonde buzz cut and low slung trousers to flowing hair and slick dresses. Darkoo is definitely one to watch as she cements her way to becoming a true superstar.


Понеділок, 28 квітня 2025
Початок о 20:00


Camden High St.
Лондон, Великобританія

Darkoo наживо

Відкрий мiсто Лондон

  • Лондон. Що цікавого?

    У тих, хто ніколи не бував в Лондоні, столиця Британії асоціюється з туманом, Біг Беном, стражниками в ведмежих шапках і, звичайно ж, фразою «London is the capital of Great Britain», завченою ще в школі. Так, це все дійсно є в Лондоні, а ще викторианское чарівність Кенсінгтона, вічно співають Picadilly і Carnaby, квартира Шерлока Холмса і найстаріше в світі метро.


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