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Біографія Barbara Pravi

Barbara Pravi (real name: Barbara Piévic) is a French singer of Serbian and Iranian descent. Based in Paris, she started her career as a cast member in the french musical « Un été 1944 » (A 1944 summer) in 2016. She debuted as a solo artist with her first single "Pas grandir" (Not growing up) in 2017 and released her first eponymous EP in 2018. Involved with the feminist movement and fighting against violence against women, she released on International Women's Day (March 8th, 2021) a new EP named "Les Prières" (Prayers), described by her as "six songs, six prayers created alone, six poems with a taste of independence, calm, escape and tenderness". She was selected in 2021 to represent France in the Eurovision Song Contest with her song "Voilà", written with former contestant of the national selection and collaborator Igit, and came second in the grand final. Later in 2021, she released her first album "On n'enferme pas les oiseaux" (Birds cannot be caged), on which appears her Eurovision song "Voilà", as well as several other singles, released the same year, such as "Le jour se lève" (The day is breaking) and "L'homme et l'oiseau" (The man and the bird). Her performance in the Eurovision Song Contest and her first subsequent album gave her career a big push forward. She received several awards, such as a gold record for "Voilà" and the award of "Révélation féminine de l'année" (Female newcomer of the year) at the french award ceremony "Les Victoires de la Musique". Her inspirations come mainly from french chanson, and she draws her inspiration from giants of this genre such as Édith Piaf, Jacques Brel, or Barbara.


П’ятниця, 16 травня 2025
Початок о 20:00


ul. Złota 9
Варшава, Польша

Barbara Pravi наживо

Відкрий мiсто Варшава

  • Варшава. Що цікавого?

    Варшава - місто з трагічною долею, який пережив значні руйнування, особливо під час Другої світової війни, коли він був практично знищений. Але кожен раз це місто, немов Фенікс, відроджувалося з попелу. Сьогодні до Варшави варто приїхати, щоб побачити чудові відреставровані палацові комплекси (центр міста занесений до списку всесвітньої спадщини ЮНЕСКО), пройтися по численним храмам, заглянути в сучасний музей Шопена і інтерактивні наукові центри. Туристів також чекають мальовничі парки, джазові клуби і численні спортивні споруди.


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