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Dylan Sinclair concerts in Europe

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Dylan Sinclair is a singer/songwriter from Toronto, Canada. Raised in a Filipino-Guyanese household, Sinclair started honing his voice in church at the age of 4. He began writing and recording music by the age of 15 after realizing that performance was just one of the many talents he was given by God. In 2018, Dylan released his first independent project entitled “Red Like Crimson”, which caught the attention of enough people to fill a room of over 200 for his first ever concert in Toronto. One of the many who took notice to the young R&B crooner, was Grammy Nominated Toronto Producer, Jordon Manswell (Daniel Caesar, Mariah Carey, Chris Brown), who Dylan has been working closely with since the summer of 2019. Since then, he has discontinued his University studies to pursue music wholeheartedly on his journey to become the next household name in R&B music.