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Graveyard concerts in Europe

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There is more than one artist known as Graveyard: 5. Serbian Heavy, Thrash Metal band from Kruševac.The band was formed in February of 2009. Graveyard won a rock&roll marathon in Kruševac, where they had beaten their competition of almost 20 bands, and the reward helped them as a part of the recording budget. They recorded 5 songs for their EP "The Black Knight". In June of 2010, they won the "Sumadijski Demo Fest" in Kragujevac, Their song "Glory" was released on a compilation album for Serbian metal magazine "Nocturne", and in August they took second place in "Battle Of the Bands" competition in Lazarevac. The band is currently promoting their music by playing shows and festivals over Serbia, and are preparing their first full length album.