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Emerging like an ornate relic of disenchanted youth, Austin-based power trio Grivo unleashes their ominously trudging sound with the debut full length Elude out November 16, 2018. Combining slow, methodical hooks and warm tube amplifiers, Grivo’s massive tones artfully re-establish the link between heavy guitars and downtempo pop to yield a potently encompassing experience. Utilizing effects as an active compositional element, Elude’s infectious riffs are brilliantly crafted and paced to allow the saturated guitars and bruising low-end to fully bloom. Within the tidal sound waves and bleak timbre, Grivo forges a distinctive personal connection that challenges the modern definitions of doom metal and shoegaze. As the greater music world attempts to anticipate and define the next wave, Grivo has re-emphasized the core of loud guitar-based music. The high level of musicianship and songwriting shine through their rich tonal indulgence making Elude an unforgettable and distinguished debut.