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Paulista Tim Bernardes was born on the same day as Paul McCartney (June 18) and caused controversy in his family when he uttered his first word: "múshca". Son of Maurício Pereira, Tim began studying music at the age of six. He learned music theory from Pedro Mourão and guitar from Akira, both members of the group Rumo, an icon of the so-called "vanguarda paulista" of the 1980s. Tonho Penhasco, guitarist for Itamar Assumpção on the album "Sampa Midnight" and Arrigo Barnabé, was the boy's second guitar teacher. At the age of 17, he enrolled in the Music program at Faculdade Santa Marcelina (FASM), graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Popular Music with a specialization in Guitar, under the guidance of Professor Fernando Correa. At the same time, he began composing the songs that would be included in the first album of the band O Terno. Recorded at home, the tracks were published on a Myspace page that was not widely publicized due to the composer's shyness. Under the pseudonym "Pereirinha and Pereirão", father and son also perform with guests such as André Abujamra, Wander Wildner, Theo Werneck, and Ivan Vilela.