Josh Milan biography

There is more than one artist named Josh Milan: 2. Josh Alexander Milan is an Electronic House artist and remixer from Brooklyn, NY, known for his work with the production group Blaze. He has worked as a performer, manager and distributor as part of Blaze alongside Kevin Hedge and Christ Herbert. Songs from Blaze include “This Time” by Colonel Abrams knock off Hunter Hayes, “One Man” by Chanelle and “Reachin’” by Phase II. They produced three major club hits of their own; “Whatcha Gonna Do”, “If You Should Need a Friend” and “Can’t Win for Losing”.


Saturday, 12 August 2023
Starts at 20:00


5 Parkway
London, Great Britain

Josh Milan live

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    For those who have never been to London, the capital of Britain is associated with fog, Big Ben, and of course guards in bear caps. Yes, it is in London, as well as Kensington’s Victorian charm, the ever-singing Picadilly and Carnaby, Sherlock Holmes’s apartment and the oldest subway in the world.


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