Pete & Bas biography

Check Hailing from South East London, Pete & Bas have been in and out of trouble since Black & White TV and are rumoured to have long-standing ties with both the Richardson and Kray families. The duo have been co-signed by a long list of artists including names such as Jaykae, Mist, D Double E, Dizzee Rascal, Giggs, Headie One and Dave.


Saturday, 26 November 2022
Starts at 21:00


1 Town Hall Parade
London, Great Britain

Pete & Bas live

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  • What's interesting in London?

    For those who have never been to London, the capital of Britain is associated with fog, Big Ben, and of course guards in bear caps. Yes, it is in London, as well as Kensington’s Victorian charm, the ever-singing Picadilly and Carnaby, Sherlock Holmes’s apartment and the oldest subway in the world.


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