Mallrat biography

Mallrat is Grace Shaw: a singer, songwriter and producer from Brisbane, Australia. Grace began uploading anthemic laptop tunes as a 16-year-old in 2015, quickly became a regular at the top of the Hype Machine charts, and in mid-2016 released her debut EP, Uninvited. Calling her "the Hannah Montana of the rap game," Nettwerk gave it a label release in early 2017, and her song "For Real" was licensed by Google for a smartphone commercial. In early 2018 she issued the more atmospheric "UFO," featuring Allday, and made her U.S. debut at South by Southwest. MALLRAT (stylized) is composed of Melo Davis on vocals and guitar, and Ana MeiLi Carling on guitar. Based out of Brooklyn and Philadelphia, their raw lyrics combined with intricate, esoteric instrumentals, and explosive choruses, the band (as noted by New Noise Magazine) "posesses a poetic rawness in both sound and aesthetic that feels as urgent and honest as a stinging wound."


Tuesday, 30 August 2022
Starts at 21:00


272a ST Vincent Street
Glasgow, Great Britain

Mallrat live

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