George Clanton biography

Formerly known as Mirror Kisses, and also known under the moniker ESPRIT 空想, George Clanton has decided to finally go by his own name and merge the two personas into one project, combining the vocal and New Wave/Chillwave elements from Mirror Kisses with the ethereal, hazy and lo-fi Vaporwave elements of ESPRIT 空想, which results in an absolutely beautiful new sound altogether. On his 2015 album, 100% Electronica, Clanton's warm and glistening synths glide over immensely satisfyingly punchy percussion, with George's passionate and effects-drenched vocals seamlessly blending in with the instrumentation, making every track feel like an anthem for a summer that never ends. So far, this album stands as a testament to how far George has come as a musician in general, and a promising glimpse at the direction his music will take in the future. If this is truly any indication, the future seems incredibly bright. As Of May 26th 2023, George has been releasing new singles (i.e [song artist=George Clanton]I Been Young[/song] and [song artist=George Clanton]Justify Your Life[/song]) which lead his new album Ooh Rap I Ya that comes out in July the 28th of the same year.


Thursday, 10 November 2022
Starts at 21:00


77a Charterhouse Street
London, Great Britain

George Clanton live

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