Arab Strap biography

Arab Strap is an independent rock band from Falkirk, Scotland, UK, signed for the majority of their albums to independent record label Chemikal Underground. The duo had a short lived flirtation with a major label at the peak of their critical acclaim (after "Philophobia") when they signed to Go!Beat records (a former independent label now owned by Universal). Aidan Moffat and Malcolm Middleton confirmed the rumours about the end of Arab Strap on 8th September 2006. They celebrated their Ten Years of Tears with a tour through the UK and the rest of Europe. After UK/Europe, they made a short secret tour in Japan as the last of Arab Strap. In 2016, however, they have reunited a decade after their breakup and will be touring throughout the year 2017.


Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Starts at 20:00


11-17 Stoke Newington Road
London, Great Britain

Arab Strap live

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