Emarosa biography

Emarosa is an American pop (formerly post-hardcore) band formed in Lexington, Kentucky, in 2006. The band currently consists of lead guitarist and founding member ER White and lead vocalist Bradley Walden, who joined the band in 2013. The group has undergone several line-up changes throughout its career, with lead guitarist ER White being the sole remaining founding member. Originally oriented towards post-hardcore, Emarosa has gravitated towards a more pop rock sound in recent years. Chris Roberts – lead vocals (2006) Mike Bryant – rhythm guitar (2006) Chris Roetter – lead vocals (2006–2007) Madison Stolzer – rhythm guitar (2006–2007) Jonny Craig – lead vocals (2007–2011) Lukas Koszewski – drums (2006–2014) Jonas Ladekjaer – rhythm guitar (2007–2014) Will Sowers – bass (2006–2016) Jordan Stewart – keyboards (2006–2018) Matthew Marcellus – rhythm guitar, backing vocals (2016–2022; touring member 2014–2016) Robert Joffred – bass, backing vocals (2018–2022; touring member 2016–2018)


Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Starts at 20:30


18-20 Fairfield Street
Manchester, Great Britain

Emarosa live

Discover Manchester

  • What's interesting in Manchester?

    Manchester has become one of the largest cities in Britain over the past hundred years. Although Manchester is a city with a very rich history, the main focus of its development has always been industry. The center is almost entirely furnished with warehouses and factory buildings, entangled with a network of canals and old railway bridges. It is quite natural that no one gave such kindness to the reduction of production: in the former shops now open fashionable bars, in factory warehouses - designer shops, and under the old bridges "settled" nightclubs. It was for the active nightlife of the city and got its middle name - Madchester.


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