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FM biography

We are excited to announce that world-renowned rock band, FM, will be performing live in Glasgow on May 31st, 2024! Prepare to be blown away by their electrifying energy and unforgettable hits that have captured hearts and minds all around the globe. Formed in London, England in 1984, FM has been a force to be reckoned with in the music industry for over three decades. Consisting of lead vocalist Steve Overland, guitarist Jim Kirkpatrick, bassist Merv Goldsworthy, keyboardist Jem Davis, and drummer Pete Jupp, this dynamic quintet has sold millions of records worldwide and has a dedicated fan base that spans generations. Their live performances are nothing short of legendary, with their powerful vocals, intricate guitar solos, and infectious rhythms keeping audiences on their feet from start to finish. So mark your calendars and get ready to experience a night of pure rock and roll magic at FM's concert in Glasgow. This is not a show to be missed!


Friday, 31 May 2024
Starts at 20:00


Byres Road
Glasgow, Great Britain

FM live

Discover Glasgow

  • What's interesting in Glasgow?

    Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, is known for its cultural life, shopping and people. Spend your day as diverse as possible: visit the many fascinating free museums and galleries, enjoy the best uk shops outside London and take advice from friendly locals on what's hidden The city's pearls are worth a look and then choose from more than 130 weekly music events to spend the evening in a special atmosphere.


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