Saint Sister biography

Saint Sister is an electronic folk or 'atmosfolk' duo from Ireland. Following their debut performance on Irish television, they opened for Arcade Fire’s Will Butler in Whelan’s. April saw them support San Fermin (Downtown records), and tour Ireland with Dublin band Spies. In August, the band entered the studio for the first time to record their debut EP with Alex Ryan (bassist with Hozier), which is scheduled for release on Trout Records November 13th, 2015. Over the coming months they will commence an Irish tour with Wyvern Lingo and O Emperor. They finish 2015 with their first London showcase with promoter Parallel Lines.


Thursday, 11 November 2021
Starts at 21:30


109 Oldham St
Manchester, Great Britain

Saint Sister live

Discover Manchester

  • What's interesting in Manchester?

    Manchester has become one of the largest cities in Britain over the past hundred years. Although Manchester is a city with a very rich history, the main focus of its development has always been industry. The center is almost entirely furnished with warehouses and factory buildings, entangled with a network of canals and old railway bridges. It is quite natural that no one gave such kindness to the reduction of production: in the former shops now open fashionable bars, in factory warehouses - designer shops, and under the old bridges "settled" nightclubs. It was for the active nightlife of the city and got its middle name - Madchester.


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