grandson biography

Grandson is an alternative artist hailing from Toronto, Canada. Born in the small town of Englewood New Jersey, he relocated to the cultural melting pot of Toronto at a young age, and grew up surrounded by music ranging from jazz to rock and roll to rap, dancehall and r&b. He began playing guitar and piano in high school. Searching for his voice and for meaning in today’s divisive, chaotic world, Grandson confronts the most pressing issues of his generation through his songwriting, such as financial inequality, governmental and environmental accountability, and social justice, giving these topics a soundtrack with a genuine sense of urgency and frustration. The music also touches on adolescence, relationships, and the insecurities and difficulties of growing up through your 20s.


Saturday, 9 September 2023
Starts at 20:00


100 Eastvale Place
Glasgow, Great Britain

grandson live

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    Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, is known for its cultural life, shopping and people. Spend your day as diverse as possible: visit the many fascinating free museums and galleries, enjoy the best uk shops outside London and take advice from friendly locals on what's hidden The city's pearls are worth a look and then choose from more than 130 weekly music events to spend the evening in a special atmosphere.


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