Col3trane biography

Born to American and Egyptian parents, Cole Basta’s musical upbringing was cross-cultural. Developing an instinct for rhythm and melody, Cole drew affiliations to various UK rap and hip-hop collectives across the UK and met collaborators including J Moon and Lauren Ralph, producers of his debut singles and mixtape. His appetite for collaborations also lead him to feature on singles for rising UK star Ebenezer and London producer SG


Friday, 3 June 2022
Starts at 19:00


11 Goods Way
London, Great Britain

Col3trane live

Discover London

  • What's interesting in London?

    For those who have never been to London, the capital of Britain is associated with fog, Big Ben, and of course guards in bear caps. Yes, it is in London, as well as Kensington’s Victorian charm, the ever-singing Picadilly and Carnaby, Sherlock Holmes’s apartment and the oldest subway in the world.


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