Fever Ray biography

Great news for all fans of alternative music in Manchester! Fever Ray, the one and only Swedish electronic music project, is coming to town on March 1st, 2024. The highly anticipated concert will take place at a yet to be disclosed venue, but one thing is for sure - it's going to be an unforgettable night. Fever Ray, also known as Karin Dreijer, is a multi-talented artist, known for her unique blend of electronic and experimental sounds. As one half of the iconic electronic duo The Knife, Dreijer has gained a loyal following with her haunting and powerful vocals. Her solo project, Fever Ray, has been equally successful, with critically acclaimed albums such as "Fever Ray" and "Plunge". With a mesmerizing stage presence and a captivating live performance, Fever Ray promises to deliver a night to remember for all music enthusiasts in Manchester. So mark your calendars and get ready to experience the magic of Fever Ray live in concert on March 1st, 2024!


Friday, 1 March 2024
Starts at 21:00


Peter Street
Manchester, Great Britain

Fever Ray live

Discover Manchester

  • What's interesting in Manchester?

    Manchester has become one of the largest cities in Britain over the past hundred years. Although Manchester is a city with a very rich history, the main focus of its development has always been industry. The center is almost entirely furnished with warehouses and factory buildings, entangled with a network of canals and old railway bridges. It is quite natural that no one gave such kindness to the reduction of production: in the former shops now open fashionable bars, in factory warehouses - designer shops, and under the old bridges "settled" nightclubs. It was for the active nightlife of the city and got its middle name - Madchester.


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