Calexico biography

Calexico is a Tucson, Arizona based, Americana, Tex-Mex, indie rock, band. The band's two main members, Joey Burns and John Convertino, first played together in Los Angeles as part of the group Giant Sand. They have recorded a number of albums on Quarterstick Records, while their 2005 EP In the Reins recorded with Iron & Wine has reached the Billboard 200 album charts. Their musical style is influenced by traditional Latin sounds of mariachi, conjunto, cumbia, tejano, as well as country, jazz, and post-rock. The band is named for the border town of Calexico, California. Joey Burns - vocals, guitars John Convertino - drums, percussion Sergio Mendoza - Keyboards Jairo Zavala - bazouki, baritone guitar, vocals Jacob Valenzuela – trumpet, keyboards, vibraphone, vocals Martin Wenk – trumpet, guitar, keyboards, accordion, glockenspiel, vibraphone (occasionally harmonica & French horn) Ryan Alfred - bass, vocals


Saturday, 14 May 2022
Starts at 20:00


9 - 17 Highgate RD, Kentish Town
London, Great Britain

Calexico live

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