Folamour biography

Part of the recent renaissance of young French House and Disco producers, Folamour is an artist with a deep love for all music. His passion is demonstrated across the many edits, remixes and original records he produces. Now living in London, Bruno has been hard at work developing his second LP. Scheduled to arrive in early 2019, it is a project that combines his appreciation for dance floor rhythms and his natural intuition for song-writing. Expect big things in 2019.


Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Starts at 20:00


58 Thomas Street
Dublin, Ireland

Folamour live

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  • What's interesting in Dublin?

    Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Its pace, nightlife and attractions are world famous. Founded by the Vikings, it is one of the most atmospheric cities not only in Ireland, but throughout Europe. This amazing and vibrant city with a serious literary heritage and cozy pubs, the heart of the country's cultural and business life, has something to offer its guests.


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