Crywank biography

Crywank will be hitting up Dublin with all their heart-wrenching and soulful tunes on February 3, 2024. This heartbreak-core band has been making waves in the music scene since their formation in 2009. Known for their emotional and raw lyrics, Crywank's music is a reflection of the struggles and vulnerabilities of the human experience. With their unique blend of folk, punk, and spoken word, Crywank has captured the hearts of fans all over the world. The intimate and raw nature of their performances often leaves audiences feeling a strong connection with the band. Their live shows are known to be a cathartic and emotional experience, making them a must-see for any music lover. Don't miss your chance to witness the powerful and emotive performance of Crywank in Dublin. Mark your calendars and grab your tickets now for what is sure to be an unforgettable night of music. You won't want to miss out on this opportunity to see one of the most captivating and genuine bands in the music industry today.


Saturday, 3 February 2024
Starts at 21:00


Curved Street, Temple Bar
Dublin, Ireland

Crywank live

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  • What's interesting in Dublin?

    Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Its pace, nightlife and attractions are world famous. Founded by the Vikings, it is one of the most atmospheric cities not only in Ireland, but throughout Europe. This amazing and vibrant city with a serious literary heritage and cozy pubs, the heart of the country's cultural and business life, has something to offer its guests.


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