Girl In Red biography

girl in red is the indie pop music project of Norwegian singer-songwriter and record producer Marie Ulven Ringheim. She appeared on the scene with her homemade, bedroom pop songs about romance and mental health featured on the early EPs Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Her debut studio album If I Could Make It Go Quiet was released through AWAL on April 30, 2021. The subject matters of Ulven's music range from romance and heartbreak to mental illness and the experience of being queer. She named Taylor Swift as one of her biggest musical influences.


Monday, 2 May 2022
Starts at 20:00


73 Dame Street
Dublin, Ireland

Girl In Red live

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  • What's interesting in Dublin?

    Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Its pace, nightlife and attractions are world famous. Founded by the Vikings, it is one of the most atmospheric cities not only in Ireland, but throughout Europe. This amazing and vibrant city with a serious literary heritage and cozy pubs, the heart of the country's cultural and business life, has something to offer its guests.


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