Deicide biography

Deicide is an American death metal band formed in 1987. The band rose to mainstream success in 1992 with their second album, Legion. Over the years, their lyrics have resulted in bans, lawsuits and criticism from religious groups and the public. In 2007, Steve Asheim was arrested and held for police questioning in Austria after presenting money to a bank teller that was covered in red ink. The police believed him to be involved in a recent bank robbery, so he was taken in. After hours of questioning, it was discovered that a red pen had leaked in his pocket, staining the money. Asheim was released without further questioning.


Friday, 15 April 2022
Starts at 19:30


57 Middle Abbey Street
Dublin, Ireland

Deicide live

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    Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Its pace, nightlife and attractions are world famous. Founded by the Vikings, it is one of the most atmospheric cities not only in Ireland, but throughout Europe. This amazing and vibrant city with a serious literary heritage and cozy pubs, the heart of the country's cultural and business life, has something to offer its guests.


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