Saint Sister biography

Saint Sister is an electronic folk or 'atmosfolk' duo from Ireland. Following their debut performance on Irish television, they opened for Arcade Fire’s Will Butler in Whelan’s. April saw them support San Fermin (Downtown records), and tour Ireland with Dublin band Spies. In August, the band entered the studio for the first time to record their debut EP with Alex Ryan (bassist with Hozier), which is scheduled for release on Trout Records November 13th, 2015. Over the coming months they will commence an Irish tour with Wyvern Lingo and O Emperor. They finish 2015 with their first London showcase with promoter Parallel Lines.


Sunday, 10 April 2022
Starts at 20:00


73 Dame Street
Dublin, Ireland

Saint Sister live

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  • What's interesting in Dublin?

    Dublin is the capital of Ireland. Its pace, nightlife and attractions are world famous. Founded by the Vikings, it is one of the most atmospheric cities not only in Ireland, but throughout Europe. This amazing and vibrant city with a serious literary heritage and cozy pubs, the heart of the country's cultural and business life, has something to offer its guests.


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