Malphino biography

Malphino is a mysterious band from an imaginative tropical island of the same name that plays cumbia and a heady mix of volcanic sounds. Their music serves as a cinematic score to the backdrop of this mystical isle and its ethos. The musicians of Malphino reinterpret the traditional banda, playing organ, accordion, tuba, and an array of percussion and rhythms from all corners of the world. Their unique take on the style is no doubt influenced by their diverse membership. Malphino is a gathering of nationalities whose members hail from Japan, Malaysia, Colombia, France, UK and the Philippines, and are based in London. This central idea of multiculturalism is the foundation for Malphino’s conceptual music project.


Friday, 15 September 2023
Starts at 21:00


Neuer Kamp 30
Hamburg, Germany

Malphino live

Discover Hamburg

  • What's interesting in Hamburg?

    Hamburg is not only one of the commercial capitals of Europe since the Middle Ages. This city is seething with life, and electronic music sounds in its beautiful harbor. Time can be spent in very different ways. And the morning markets and eateries serving a wide variety of dishes will surprise you. Since it is a classic sea city, the cry of seagulls is heard everywhere, like the quiet splash of water


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