Kery James biography

Kery James (Alix Mathurin à l'état civil) est né le 28 décembre 1977 aux Abîmes en Guadeloupe de parents haïtiens. Il est élevé par sa mère à Orly en banlieue parisienne, dans le Val-de-Marne. En 2007 ou 2008, devrait sortir le film de Kery James retraçant sa vie. Ce projet lui tient particulièrement à cœur et s'y consacre totalement en mettant de côté sa musique.


Saturday, 23 November 2019
Starts at 21:00


Rue Duquesnoystraat 14
Brussels, Belgium

Kery James live

Discover Brussels

  • What's interesting in Brussels?

    The capital of bureaucrats and important people, Brussels is sometimes called the city of seven. Accidental coincidence or divine fishing, but the city is located on 7 hills, it has 7 roads, its main area is protected by 7 animals, and in the Dutch transcription the name of the city consists of 7 letters. Although, looking at the city in the light of day, it is unlikely that the language will turn to call it mystical - it’s too ... rational or something.


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