Niklas Paschburg biography

Niklas is originally from the big city, but lives in the countryside now. Aged four he played his first notes on the piano of his grandparents. Aged five he took piano lessons by his own request. Unlike other musicians, who feel a longing to move to world metropoles, Niklas, after having northern German harbors, seagulls, and fish markets in his life now enjoys the southern loneliness of forests, wide landscapes and the fragrant scent of pine woods. Inspired by both worlds Niklas creates an acoustic symbiosis in form of enchanting piano compositions with fine electronic additions on his EP „Tuur mang Welten“.


Wednesday, 23 March 2022
Starts at 21:00


ul. Niezłomnych 2
Poznan, Poland

Niklas Paschburg live

Discover Poznan

  • What's interesting in Poznan?

    Poznan is not the most typical Polish city. Several times he passed from the Poles to the Germans, was part of the social camp. It coexists a variety of architecture, modernism coexists with neo-Gothic and is interspersed with the construction of the late 20th - early 21st century. In addition to the weighty German past, there is a dialect called "gvar", unemployment is the lowest in the country, and residents are often accused of excessive economy.


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