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Delaney Davidson concerts in Europe

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Born on the northern island of New Zealand in 1972. Shipped down to Christchurch in a shoe box at 5 months old, after seeing the Rolling Stones play at 2 months old. Voted "Biggest Dreamer" in primary school, until he went to Special Dreamers School. Asked to leave Special Dreamers School after being suspended four times at the ripe old age of 14. 2002 found him married and living in Bern, Switzerland, where he met with "The Dead Brothers" and signed up. After enjoying the various successes of being a voodoo rhythm artist and other projects (Delemmis Caravan Basement Band, the OTIACS, and Alpine Cretins) as well as seven years of swiss life, Delaney now lives in his homeland of New Zealand in Wellington. He released his first solo album "Rough Diamond" and planned the release of his second album within six months, with his Rough Diamond Ghost Orchestra. He also tours solo with his Phantom Band, and has toured and played with "The Mysterious Tapeman", "The Reverend Beatman", "Posessed by Paul James" and "G.Rag and los Hermanos Patchekos".