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Jessie Murph concerts in Europe

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Jessie Murph was born on September 22nd 2004 in the United States. Her zodiac sign is Virgo. Murph is no stranger to being the odd girl out, especially considering her upbringing in a small conservative town. She rose to fame by releasing covers on social media such as Instagram and TikTok. Jessie used the bullying she received at school as fuel to conquer her emotions and transform her songwriting into the captivation and emotive display of strength it is today. The isolation, mistreatment, and misogyny she encountered ultimately made her stronger and birthed the authentic and unapologetic Jessie Murph who is ready to take the music world by storm. Her sound revolves around the harmony that grasps deep emotional lyrics and bass-oriented instrumentals which express complex yet simple emotions. Murph’s passion to deliver something new and something better has driven her over the years and is the key to her success and perseverance