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Kazy Lambist concerts in Europe

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We don't need to introduce Kazy Lambist anymore... His elegant electro-pop will melt any soul and his tracks " On You ", " Doing Yoga " or " Be Yourself " will make you dance without any fuss. Some qualifiers to define his music: soaring, dreamy, tropical, solar, chill-wave... No marked path with him, except a refusal of the repetition and the infinite loop. Recently settled in Rome, Kazy Lambist - accompanied by the Italian Tutti Fenomeni - immerses us, with his last single "Nasty", in an Italian atmosphere which is his own. With his elegant and danceable electro pop, Kazy Lambist signs here a track linking the long summer days of Moretti's Diary and the decadent evenings of La Grande Belleza by Sorrentino.