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Mic Righteous concerts in Europe

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Mic Righteous is tipped to be the hottest up and coming young star in the U.K hip-hop scene. Hailing from Margate at 17 he joined rap crew the Kraftsmen based in Brixton . Mic featured on Frantic Frank's The Hardway album that Frank independently released and distributed over 60,000 copies before Mics 18th birthday. The album also featured on the front cover of legendary magazine 'Hip-Hop Connection.' Mic has been working on other big collaborations. One of these projects is one with a band called Mongrol with all-star members from bands such as the Arctic Monkeys, Babyshambles and Reverend And The Makers. This also led to Mic featuring on Lowkey's 'Dear Listener' L.P which is out in stores now.