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Mike Zito concerts in Europe

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Growing up in St. Louis, Missouri, Zito was immersed in the gritty sounds of the south side that would unknowingly become the groundwork of his future in music. Like the legends before him, music has coursed through his veins from the early age of five, when he began singing and performing. It didn't take long for him to discover his instrument of choice, electric guitar, after receiving a Van Halen record for his birthday. His education and journey were just starting - little did he know he would find himself among such legends at a local guitar shop just out of high school. "Everyone from Chuck Berry to Bennie Smith came in that store," Zito shares of his experience. "I soaked up the sounds of that store and began building my own style." You can also see Mike Zito as Mike Zito & The Wheel on here: Mike Zito & The Wheel