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Omnium Gatherum concerts in Europe

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There are two bands named Omnium Gatherum. 1) Melodic death metal band from Finland. 2) Grindcore band from Australia. 1) Omnium Gatherum is a six-piece melodic death metal band from Kotka, Finland. Founded in the autumn of 1996. Although the band mainly follows the path of melodic death metal genre, the music created by the band, especially the later albums, has strong influences from the progressive death metal sub-genre. 2) An Australian grindcore band formed in Adelaide, Australia in 1997. They've released two demos, Demo '98, Promo '99, a full length album Rectifying Human Rejection released by Life Fluid Productions, 2001. Followed by a split with Total Fucking Destruction released by Gloon in 2002 and a single Keys of Opportunities also in 2002. In 2005 they changed their name to Omnium. As Omnium they've released one demo simply titled Promo in 2006 and a self-released full length Omnium in 2007. They are active.