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Palmiyeler concerts in Europe

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Palmiyeler stands for soothing melodies, cinematic landscapes and groovy beats! Unlike the majority of neo-psych bands, Palmiyeler are the proprietors of a distinct style, so familiar and at the same time so original, that makes it hard to categorise: blending garage-rock classicism with some Morricone cool, the Turkish quartet consisting of Mertcan Mertbilek, Tarık Töre, Rana Uludağ and Barış Konyalı explore ordinary themes under a breezy Mediterranean sunny feel, the end result sounding hauntingly smooth. Fresh off their second US tour with PAINT (Pedrum Siadatan of Allah-Las) and Jared Mattson (The Mattson 2) , Palmiyeler have gone back to the studio to record their fifth album to be released in Spring 2022.