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Peter "Hooky" Hook (born February 13, 1956 in Salford, Lancashire) was the bass player for the English post-punk band Joy Division, and the new wave/synthpop band New Order. In 2020 Hook was part of the Song Machine project, a web series involving the ongoing release of various singles and music videos by British virtual band Gorillaz featuring different guest musicians over the course of 2020. He was featured in the song “Aries", also featuring drummer Georgia. The track was released on 9 April 2020 as the third single for Gorillaz' seventh studio album, Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez which came out in October 2020. He also played Aries with Peter Hook and Light in a quarantine cover of Gorillaz - this take on “Aries” features Hook’s distinct bassline, which is instantly recognizable for any New Order or Peter Hook and The Light fans. This performance gives “Aries” a nostalgic new wave feel, as Hook deliver soothing vocals on top of an infectious old school synth-pop instrumental with passionate choruses.