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Piotr Rogucki concerts in Europe

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Piotr Rogucki (born 5 May 1978, Lodz) – frontman of Polish alternative rock band Coma, actor - graduate of prestigious Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts (PWST), member of ZPAV - Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry. His career on stage has begun with performing his own songs. In 2001, he won II place at the 37th Student Song Festival in Krakow. In 2004, along with Coma, he received Grand Prix at the 25th Review of Stage Songs (Przegląd Piosenki Aktorskiej) in Wroclaw for the interpretation of Tom Waits' Underground and for Sto tysięcy jednakowych miast - his song written with Coma. Currently performing in Variety Theatre in Warsaw (TR Warszawa): "Giovanni"(2006), "Macbeth" (2008)