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The Blasters concerts in Europe

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The Blasters are an American rock and roll music group formed in 1979 in Downey, California, by brothers Phil Alvin (vocals and guitar) and Dave Alvin (guitar), with bass guitarist John Bazz and drummer Bill Bateman. The Blasters spent the next few years attempting to find a guitar player suitable to measure up to the impeccable standards by which The Blasters play. The band met veteran guitar maestro, Keith Wyatt. 4-11-44 is The Blasters' fifth studio album. It is fourteen tracks of their signature rock and blues. Phil Alvin's vocals are as powerful and true as they ever were and the band follows through with steady, raucous riffs and rhythms. Their music continues to be used frequently in dark, pulp films and television shows such as From Dusk to Dawn, Streets of Fire, and Six Feet Under. Originally released in the UK in 2004, 4-11-44 was released on Rainman Records in August of 2005.