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Wolfgang Haffner concerts in Europe

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Wolfgang Haffner was born in Wunsiedel/Germany in 1965. He started playing drums and piano at the age of six. He began his career as a professional musician in the German French Jazz Ensemble, conducted by German Jazz legend Albert Mangelsdorff. The Band played Festivals including the Paris Jazzfestival and the Jazzfest Berlin. Haffner later became the drummer in Klaus Doldingers "Passport", with whom he played for 11 years, touring Europe and Southafrica. From 1994 to 1995 he was the drummer in the Band of one of the greatest female singers of all times, Chaka Khan. 1994 he joined the US Fusion Superband METRO with Chuck Loeb, Mitch Forman and Anthony Jackson. In 1997 Haffner and his long-time colleague Roberto Di Gioia started their succesful Group "Zappelbude". In 2002 Haffner formed the Wolfgang Haffner Band which toured Europe. When not performing with his own Band he plays with the Nils Landgren Funk Unit of sweden. Haffner has played on about 350 Recordings, including 11 albums under his own name. In spring 2004 he produced the new album of the iclandic supergroup "Mezzoforte".