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Біографія Belly

There are two artists on last.fm with this name: (1) Belly, an alternative rock band from Rhode Island which formed in 1991, (2) Belly/Rebellyus, a rapper from Ottawa, Canada. He first appeared on Massari’s third single “Rush the Floor”. His first solo single “Pressure” (featuring Ginuwine) and his debut album, The Revolution, were released in 2007. The double disc album was divided into two sections: “The People” and “The System”. “The People” contained more in-depth songs, such as “History of Violence” (produced by Whosane?), “Follow Me”, and “Revolutionary”, where he challenges his listeners to discover the facts regarding the Middle-East situation. Other songs on this disc include “People Change” (produced by Whosane?), “Leave me Alone”, where he talks about his longtime friends and the memories that he kept from them. “The System” contained his hit singles “Don’t Be Shy”, “Ridin’”, and “Pressure”.


Середа, 1 жовтня 2025
Початок о 20:00


184 Camden High ST
Лондон, Великобританія

Belly наживо

Відкрий мiсто Лондон

  • Лондон. Що цікавого?

    У тих, хто ніколи не бував в Лондоні, столиця Британії асоціюється з туманом, Біг Беном, стражниками в ведмежих шапках і, звичайно ж, фразою «London is the capital of Great Britain», завченою ще в школі. Так, це все дійсно є в Лондоні, а ще викторианское чарівність Кенсінгтона, вічно співають Picadilly і Carnaby, квартира Шерлока Холмса і найстаріше в світі метро.


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