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Bixiga 70 concerts in Europe

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Central São Paulo’s neighborhood called Bixiga is a melting pot of culture. Its Italian, African and North-Eastern population make it one of the best areas to eat out and listen to music. One of the place’s hidden treasures is the recording studio Traquitana, number 70 at Rua 13 de Maio – a street packed with venues and restaurants. That’s the birthplace of São Paulo’s finest new instrumental combo: Bixiga 70. The band’s self-titled first LP album was released in Brazil in late 2011 and appeared in many “Best of the Year” lists, like brazilian Rolling Stones’ and MTV’s. Considered the spearhead of growing brazilian afro scene, the band shared the stage with major names like Tony Allen, Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 and Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra.