Maeta biography

On her new EPHabits, rising R&B songstress Maeta(20) sounds comfortable and self-assured. Fully encompassing the highs and lows of young love, the project offers the Indianapolis-native, now Los Angeles-based artist reflecting on past relationships that she’s outgrown (lead single “Teen Scene,” produced by Kaytranada) and contemplating the uncertainties that come with interpersonal connection (“Doesn’t Mean A Thing,” produced by Teddy Walton).It is a natural progression from her critically-acclaimed 2019 debut EP,Do Not Disturb, which introduced the world to Maeta's signature sound: moody, emotional, and beautiful, with the singer’s luscious vocals always at the forefront. Her creative pursuits began early in her childhood. Her parents -mom is a visual artist, dad plays the drums -nurtured and encouraged their daughter’s creativity, and the music they played around the house, including the Eagles and John Mayer, became the building blocks of her sound. At the same time, like most young people, she gravitated towards the music of her teen years including Kid Cudi, Alicia Keys, Beyoncé and SZA and their ability to use music to speak truth to their feelings. These influences, her natural singing ability and the fact that she is a self-proclaimed “daydreamer” who “falls in love too fast” and is drawn to sad songs, brought her to be the artist you hear today -blending pop and soul with lyrics that allow Maeta to be a voice for those who struggle to express their emotions.


Thursday, 15 August 2024
Starts at 19:00


323 New Cross Road
London, Great Britain

Maeta live

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