Knuckle Puck biography

Attention Glasgow music lovers! Get ready to rock out with one of the hottest pop punk bands in the scene! Knuckle Puck is coming to town on March 24, 2024 for a night of high-energy music and unforgettable performances. Formed in 2010, Knuckle Puck has been taking the pop punk world by storm with their catchy tunes, powerful lyrics, and energetic live shows. Hailing from Chicago, Illinois, the band is comprised of vocalist Joe Taylor, guitarists Kevin Maida and Nick Casasanto, bassist Ryan Rumchaks, and drummer John Siorek. With their unique blend of punk, emo, and alternative rock, Knuckle Puck has gained a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim. Don't miss your chance to see Knuckle Puck live in Glasgow at their highly anticipated concert. Get your tickets now and get ready to sing your heart out and mosh the night away with one of the most exciting bands in the genre. See you there!


Sunday, 24 March 2024
Starts at 21:00


18 Jamaica Street
Glasgow, Great Britain

Knuckle Puck live

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  • What's interesting in Glasgow?

    Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, is known for its cultural life, shopping and people. Spend your day as diverse as possible: visit the many fascinating free museums and galleries, enjoy the best uk shops outside London and take advice from friendly locals on what's hidden The city's pearls are worth a look and then choose from more than 130 weekly music events to spend the evening in a special atmosphere.


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