Nitin Sawhney biography

We are excited to announce that world-renowned musician Nitin Sawhney will be bringing his unique blend of classical Indian and contemporary electronic music to Glasgow on April 7th, 2024. Sawhney, a multi-instrumentalist, composer, and producer, has captivated audiences around the globe with his dynamic and innovative live performances. Born and raised in London, Sawhney's music is a reflection of his diverse cultural background. Blending elements of traditional Indian music with jazz, hip-hop, and electronica, Sawhney has created a sound that is truly his own. His critically acclaimed albums, such as "Prophesy" and "Beyond Skin", have earned him numerous awards and accolades, solidifying his place as one of the most influential and groundbreaking artists of our time. Don't miss your chance to experience Nitin Sawhney's mesmerizing music live in Glasgow. With his unparalleled talents and electrifying stage presence, this is a concert you won't want to miss. Mark your calendars for April 7th, 2024 and get ready to be transported on a musical journey unlike any other.


Sunday, 7 April 2024
Starts at 20:00


Glasgow, Great Britain

Nitin Sawhney live

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  • What's interesting in Glasgow?

    Scotland's largest city, Glasgow, is known for its cultural life, shopping and people. Spend your day as diverse as possible: visit the many fascinating free museums and galleries, enjoy the best uk shops outside London and take advice from friendly locals on what's hidden The city's pearls are worth a look and then choose from more than 130 weekly music events to spend the evening in a special atmosphere.


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