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Within Temptation biography

Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to be enchanted by the enchanting sounds of Dutch symphonic metal band Within Temptation! They will be gracing the stage in London on November 16th, 2024 for a highly anticipated concert that is guaranteed to leave you spellbound. Formed in 1996, Within Temptation has become one of the most successful and beloved bands in the metal genre. Led by the powerhouse vocals of frontwoman Sharon den Adel, the band has released numerous chart-topping albums and singles, including "Ice Queen" and "Stand My Ground". Known for their unique blend of heavy guitar riffs, orchestral arrangements, and hauntingly beautiful melodies, Within Temptation has captivated audiences all over the world with their electrifying live performances. Don't miss this opportunity to witness Within Temptation's incredible musicianship and stage presence as they take over London in 2024. With their dynamic energy and larger-than-life sound, this is a concert you won't want to miss. So mark your calendars and get your tickets now for what is sure to be an unforgettable night of metal music at its finest!


Saturday, 16 November 2024
Starts at 20:00


Arena Square
London, Great Britain

Within Temptation live

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  • What's interesting in London?

    For those who have never been to London, the capital of Britain is associated with fog, Big Ben, and of course guards in bear caps. Yes, it is in London, as well as Kensington’s Victorian charm, the ever-singing Picadilly and Carnaby, Sherlock Holmes’s apartment and the oldest subway in the world.


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