Charlie Winston biography

Charlie Winston (born Charlie Winston Gleave, 14 September 1978, Cornwall) is an English singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. He has an extended family record in music; his older brother is singer Tom Baxter and his sister performs as Vashti Anna (all the siblings use their middle name as a stage surname). This has allowed him a solid experience of all the connections of the music world including writing, recording and playing for acts such as his brother Tom Baxter, Daniel Powter, Medi and the Medicine Show, Miranda Barber, Sam Semple and Judy Tzuke. In 2007, Charlie Winston released his self produced debut album “Make Way” and shortly after embarked on tour with Peter Gabriel on European Summer tour. Charlie also composed music for film (The Day I will Never Forget by Kim Longinotto), theatre (Almeida Theatre, Nottinghill Gate Theatre), dance (Sadler's Wells, Ballet Rambert) and has often appeared in various TV (Top Of The Pops, Good Morning TV, CD UK) and radio shows (The Steve Merchant Show on BBC 6Music, Spanish Radio 3 with Julio Ruiz, BBC Radio with Stephen Foster). In Charlie Winston's band, the Oxymorons, harmonica plays devil's advocate within moods, from dirty blues riffs to ethereal angelic cries, meanwhile bass, drums and guitar lay the ground rules, only to be broken. To add to it the Extramorons brass quartet puff their way to a sound that’s carnivalesque. There is an overriding positivity throughout every performance that leaves the audience wanting to dance, laugh and cry all in the same breath. Website:


Saturday, 3 December 2022
Starts at 22:00


130 Hoxton Street
London, Great Britain

Charlie Winston live

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