Extreme biography

Extreme is an American hard rock band consisting of singer/guitar virtuoso Nuno Bettencourt, singer/lyricist Gary Cherone, bassist/singer Pat Badger and drummer Kevin Figueiredo. The band first formed in 1985 in Boston with then drummer Paul Geary (who later got replaced by drummer Mike Mangini) until the band decided to go on an indefinite hiatus that ended up lasting more than 10 years (1996 - 2006). The band's influences range from the progressive hard rock and elaborate multi-vocals parts of Queen, the energy of Aerosmith and Van Halen, as well as Beatlesque pop and a Led Zeppelin organic feeling. Diskogs Extreme (1989) Extreme II: Pornograffitti (1990) III Sides to Every Story (1992) Waiting for the Punchline (1995) Saudades de Rock (2008) Six (2023)


Thursday, 30 November 2023
Starts at 21:00


Oxford Road
Manchester, Great Britain

Extreme live

Discover Manchester

  • What's interesting in Manchester?

    Manchester has become one of the largest cities in Britain over the past hundred years. Although Manchester is a city with a very rich history, the main focus of its development has always been industry. The center is almost entirely furnished with warehouses and factory buildings, entangled with a network of canals and old railway bridges. It is quite natural that no one gave such kindness to the reduction of production: in the former shops now open fashionable bars, in factory warehouses - designer shops, and under the old bridges "settled" nightclubs. It was for the active nightlife of the city and got its middle name - Madchester.


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