Yeat biography

Noah Olivier Smith, born on February 26, 2000, in Irvine, California, to a Mexican father and Romanian mother, better known by his stage name Yeat, is an American recording artist and producer from Lake Oswego, Oregon. On February 19th, 2023, Yeat posted a tracklist for Lyfë's deluxe version AftërLyfe on his Instagram story. On February 24th, 2023, AftërLyfe was released with a feature from YoungBoy Never Broke Again and more collaborations with BNYX, Working On Dying, dulio and more prominent producers.


Tuesday, 8 October 2024
Starts at 20:00


Schanzenstraße 40
Cologne, Germany

Yeat live

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    Cologne is a German city of medieval architecture, unusual museums and festivals. It is the birthplace of Kelsh beer, cologne and Nobel laureate Heinrich Belle. This is the place where you want to return again and again - Cologne knows how to find the shortest way to the hearts of travelers from all over the world!


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