Aaron Frazer biography

Aaron Frazer is a Brooklyn-based, Baltimore-raised American songwriter and soul singer, who first came into the international spotlight as multi-instrumentalist and co-lead singer for Durand Jones & The Indications (for which group he penned some their most notable tracks, including 'Morning In America') . Soft-spoken, with the look of a slightly disaffected 1950s matinee idol, Aaron Frazer possesses a voice that’s both contemporary and timeless. His higher register conveys a wide emotional palate and a progressive worldview in the tradition of musical masterminds like Curtis Mayfield. While Aaron’s stirring falsetto and thoughtful songwriting have made him established in the world of revival soul music, he refuses to be pigeonholed.


Friday, 28 January 2022
Starts at 20:30


Bartholomäus-Schink-Straße 65/67
Cologne, Germany

Aaron Frazer live

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