I Prevail biography

Attention Hamburg music lovers! Get ready for a night of explosive performances as I Prevail, Set It Off, and Kid Bookie take the stage on May 18, 2024. Prepare to be blown away by the raw energy and talent of these three incredible acts. I Prevail is known for their unique blend of heavy metal and pop punk, making a name for themselves in the music scene with hit songs like "Goodbye" and "Breaking Down". With their powerful vocals and intense live performances, they are sure to leave you wanting more. Set It Off is no stranger to the spotlight, having toured with big names such as Sleeping with Sirens and All Time Low. Their music is a fusion of pop, rock, and punk, creating a sound that is both catchy and edgy. Get ready to dance and sing along to their infectious beats. And last but not least, Kid Bookie will bring his electrifying rap and hip hop vibes to the stage. Hailing from London, this rising artist has gained a loyal following with his honest and thought-provoking lyrics. Don't miss the chance to see him perform live in Hamburg. Mark your calendars for May 18, 2024 and get ready to rock out with I Prevail, Set It Off, and Kid Bookie at this highly anticipated concert. You won't want to miss this epic night of music. Act fast and grab your tickets now before they sell out!


Saturday, 18 May 2024
Starts at 19:30


Krochmannstraße 55
Hamburg, Germany

I Prevail live

Discover Hamburg

  • What's interesting in Hamburg?

    Hamburg is not only one of the commercial capitals of Europe since the Middle Ages. This city is seething with life, and electronic music sounds in its beautiful harbor. Time can be spent in very different ways. And the morning markets and eateries serving a wide variety of dishes will surprise you. Since it is a classic sea city, the cry of seagulls is heard everywhere, like the quiet splash of water


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