Bernth biography

Bernth Brodträger started playing guitar at the age of 13, after the first private lessons he signed up at a local music school to start his career. After finishing school he started touring with extreme metal bands like "Belphegor", playing concerts and festivals in the USA, Canada, South America and all over Europe. After a couple of years of only playing metal, he decided to broaden his horizon and to study Jazz guitar and instrumental pedagogics at the "Vienna Music Institute". Bernth finished both studies with honors after 4 busy years. In his last year at the "Vienna Music Institute", Bernth started to work with the Austrian band "Seiler und Speer". They put out #1 records in Austria, many top 10 hits and played many sold out concerts like the legendary "Donauinselfest", where they performed in front of more than 111.000 people. Bernth received 2 gold awards for composing and performing the soundtrack of the successful series "Horvathslos". He also wrote and performed "Through the Night", David Hasselhoff's viral metal song debut. Today Bernth is best known for his music, performance videos, and lessons on YouTube and Instagram, reaching millions of guitar music enthusiasts each month.


Thursday, 28 September 2023
Starts at 21:00


Neuer Kamp 30
Hamburg, Germany

Bernth live

Discover Hamburg

  • What's interesting in Hamburg?

    Hamburg is not only one of the commercial capitals of Europe since the Middle Ages. This city is seething with life, and electronic music sounds in its beautiful harbor. Time can be spent in very different ways. And the morning markets and eateries serving a wide variety of dishes will surprise you. Since it is a classic sea city, the cry of seagulls is heard everywhere, like the quiet splash of water


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