Melanie Martinez biography

Melanie Adele Martinez (born April 28th, 1995) is an American singer-songwriter, artist, director, actress, dancer, clothing designer, producer and photographer. Martinez is currently on her highly anticipated “TRILOGY TOUR”, featuring all of her “Crybaby” trilogy.


Monday, 10 February 2020
Starts at 20:30


Frankfurt, Germany

Melanie Martinez live

Discover Frankfurt

  • What's interesting in Frankfurt?

    Frankfurt (a.m. Frankfurt am Main) is the business capital of Germany, the most technologically advanced and modern city in the country. For his businessability it is called Chicago-on-Main or Main Hatten. But that doesn't mean everything here is built of glass and concrete. For example, the cozy and picturesque district of Alt-Sachsenhausen is an old lady Germany in all its glory. Just do not be deceived by the view of the local ancient architecture - in fact, there is hardly any building, as, indeed, in the rest of the city, over 50 years.


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